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今年主題「飛向夢想,拓展美麗旅程」,滿載佳麗對未來熱切冀盼的「MCVP2011夢想號」航機,經過兩個多月的全方位訓練飛行,終於降落總決賽舞台,展開旖旎傳奇的人生旅程。首先落機的little sunshines小乘客,精靈活潑,緊接十位佳麗身穿設計新穎的「中國風」服飾逐一登場,豔光四射,裝置成機場跑道的舞台頓時發出耀眼光芒。航機由三位才貌雙全的加、港、台司儀機長掌舵:本地精英帥哥陳本岡、曾獲兩屆台灣金鐘獎最佳主持人的崔麗心及博學多才的香港「甜心先生」陳智燊,悅目國際化的司儀組合,考驗佳麗急才及智慧,妙語生花,娛樂性豐富。


「夢想號」不僅開展十位華姐的美麗旅程,更把特别表演嘉賓 - 香港超人氣小生陳展鵬載到會場。高大俊朗的陳展鵬,演技精練毋庸置疑,金口一開令人驚喜,不愧當今竄紅最快的男主角。陳展鵬送上「與我常在」、「強」等一連串金曲,雄渾聲線加上型男台風,令現場女士暈其大浪,全場歡呼不斷。好一台俊男美女的超级華麗騷,薈萃藝術唯美表演,一場感官與心靈的饗宴。

今年大會評判團陣容鼎盛,包括著名跨媒體主持人及香港小姐狄寶娜摩亞小姐、台灣資深綜藝節目主持人王麗玲小姐、曾獲加拿大雙子星獎的知名電影製片人及導演李嘉慈小姐、精通十多種語言的語言學家Mr. Steve Kaufmann 及表演嘉賓陳展鵬。評判團最後經過一番慎重商議,終於選出各項得獎者如下:

冠軍、仙妮亞優美體態獎、JCY珍珠園瑰麗高雅氣質獎及珊珊美容完美肌膚獎 : 5號 徐穎堃
亞軍、芝寶靈芝最上鏡小姐及L.YZ 最優雅模特獎 : 9號陳偉琪
季軍及羅渣士“魅力傳城”大獎 : 1號施穎瑜
拉法爾清純美態獎 : 3號張瑋珊
Hosted by Fairchild Television, Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2011 ended on a high note at the Vancouver Convention Centre on December 7th, 2011. The theme of the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2011 was “Discovering a Journey to Your Dream.” Two and a half months of immense preparation and hard work dedicated to the production was finally showcased to the world.
The audience was packed and excitement filled the air as they waited in anticipation for the marvelous production to unveil on stage. Little Sunshines opened the show with a fun and energetic dance, followed by a stylish grand entrance of the ten glamorous contestants as they strode down the runway in chic costumes with Chinese motif. The international top-notch team of MCs including Brian Chan from Vancouver, Yvette Tsui, Winner of Best MC Award from Taiwan and the talented Jason Chan from Hong Kong welcomed and prepared guests for a memorable night. They would be witnessing the birth of Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011, the start of a beautiful journey to one’s dream.
Engrossed by the dazzling lights, lively music and a spectacular line up of unforgettable performances, audience gasped and awed at the picturesque sights on stage. From story telling in elegant cheongsam to mesmerizing sand art performance, the segments continued to surprise audience with breathtaking sights and sounds. Beats pumped in unanimity with the clicking and clacking heels from the alluring contestants as they paced down the runway along the tunes mixed by the live DJ. As the long-awaited swimwear segment began, the crowd cheered and roared when the contestants wittily and charmingly answered tough questions while showing off their slender figures. Months of hard work and training paid off when the crowd applauded in amazement for their sensational tap dance routine. To show their gratitude, the contestants presented a gift to their loved ones who have helped them through this bittersweet journey towards their dream in stunning evening gowns. 
Another highlight of the night is the interactive voting system. Whether you were watching the show in the audience, online or sitting in front of the T.V, you could vote for your favorite pageant on the MCVP website as well as our MCVP app on your smart phones. The results were shown on the big screen on stage instantly, creating a more thrilling and exciting atmosphere.
The well-rounded individual, skilled actor and talented singer, Ruco Chan was this year’s special guest performer from Hong Kong. His singing was harmonious. Guests clapped and sang along to the familiar tunes. The atmosphere was in high spirits, the room filled with laughter, joy, excitement and nervousness as the audience waited patiently for the results.
Separating the great from the good was merely impossible and that task fell to our impressive judging panel, Ms. Deborah Moore, Ms. Lillian Wang, Ms. Karin Lee, Mr. Steve Kaufmann and Mr. Ruco Chan. After careful consideration, they have chosen the winners of the following awards:

The Champion : No. 5 Erica Chui
1st Runner up : No. 9 Vicky Chan
2nd Runner up : No. 1 Allyssa Sy

The winner of Miss Chinese Vancouver will compete in Miss Chinese International Pageant 2012 with delegates around the world in January next year. She will once again shine on stage to further her journey to success. A huge congratulation to the winner, wishing her the best of luck in her future endeavors!





帥哥陸續登陸「溫哥華華裔小姐競選2011」總決賽,大會邀請到全城矚目的超人氣小生陳展鵬任表演嘉賓。Ruco是無線近期力捧的當紅男主角,在新劇《真相》飾演型男大狀,冧盡師奶OL,成為新一代熒幕情人。深獲器重的陳展鵬,躍升一線小生,主演《法證先鋒III》、 《回到三國》及《ATF反恐》。陳展鵬曾出版過個人專輯,近期經常穿梭於香港及海外登台出騷。全城期待陳展鵬及陳智燊首次到溫哥華,與十位亮麗華姐,演繹超級俊男美女的華麗舞台騷。此外,一群精靈可愛的小小Sunshine,亦會與佳麗同台演出,觀眾更可欣賞到國際級藝術家罕見的唯美行為藝術表演,可說是目不暇給。

今年大會評判團陣容鼎盛,包括著名跨媒體主持人及香港小姐狄寶娜摩亞小姐、台灣資深綜藝節目主持人王麗玲小姐、曾獲加拿大雙子星獎的知名電影製片人及導演李嘉慈小姐、精通十多種語言的語言學家Mr. Steve Kaufmann 及表演嘉賓陳展鵬。他們將肩負重任,選出美貌


「溫哥華華裔小姐競選2011總決賽」將於十二月七日(星期三)假溫哥華會議中心隆重舉行,西岸時間晚上七時五十五分於新時代電視及本網站現場直播。今年大會特別於官方網站讓觀眾可以遞交問題,於總決賽的問答環節考驗佳麗的口才智慧。請密切留意Facebook專頁MCVPCanada,或新時代電視微博www.weibo.com/fairchildtv,獲取最新華姐資訊。此外,大會亦緊貼時代脈搏,讓觀眾一機在手,用iPhone或Android手機登入App StoreAndroid Market,尋「MCVP Canada」,即可免費安裝華姐app,隨時隨地投入10位佳麗的美麗旅程,全球觀眾亦可以透過電話, 同步欣賞總決賽盛況。