almost show day!

December 4, 2011, 11:09 pm by 李汶蔚

it's almost time for showday! during this week we've been taking lots of care to make ourselves look the best for showday. :)

haha did i scare you? :P

here's another pic of #4 Alycia, me, and #8 Ariel after going to Daisy's to get our hair done.

This is for meeting the judges. I hope we impressed them! 

扇舞! :)

November 27, 2011, 12:55 am by 李汶蔚

上個星期我們去了Success探望一班公公婆婆, 並為他們準備節目給他們欣賞! 我跟2號Jen和3號的Natalie為他們表演了一段扇舞!

衣服是由Kelly媽幫我們找的! 真的很感謝你!

左邊的美女是Natalie, 然後右邊的美女是Jen,穿著藍色的是我! :)


小時候很胖! 哈哈



這是在Prince George 的公園裡為了慶祝Canada Day 而表演!


November 10, 2011, 12:04 am by 李汶蔚

今天中午放了假,所以我回學校。 一來可以去看醫生,二來可以去做義工。

我是World Vision UBC 的一位成員, 以前擔任過Events Director 還有 Events Coordinator,  而這一年算是老臣子, haha, 今年是Senior Advisor. 

其實擔任什麼角色也好, 最主要是幫到人! 我們籌到的錢都是捐出去, 而且我們有四位助養兒童! 他們都在非洲和東歐, 所以只能以信件才能知道他們的消息~

今天我們有個Fundraising Event, 很成功! 

這一幅呢, 是九月份拍的~


在上大學之前,我在Prince George 跟我哥哥住了兩年。 在那裡,為了打發時間,我去了有做義工, 其中包括在醫院做Junior Volunteering, 還有在圖書館當了Reading Buddy 以及 Youth Advisory Board 成員。 可能因為做得比較多的義工吧, 所以在畢業前被頒發了Prince George 市的傑出青少年獎! :) 

happy halloween!!

October 31, 2011, 11:29 pm by 李汶蔚

happy halloween everyone!

今天我打扮得像南瓜,像嗎? 哈哈哈! 但要是我是在超市裡想買南瓜,我覺得我不會買自己!沒肉,虧了!


Nerding it up! Midterms are here!

October 16, 2011, 5:56 pm by 李汶蔚

I don't think I have mentioned my studies yet, so here's a post about it. Currently I'm studying at UBC as a Chemistry major, and I hope to work in the health sector if I can't get into the entertainment buisness. 

As a MCVP finalist, we girls need to have both beauty outside and chinese it's called 美貌與智慧並重 :)

So here I am studying really hard for my midterms: nerdy look, haha :D

Videoshooting Aftermath:)

October 16, 2011, 5:52 pm by 李汶蔚

It's been a really fun and great learning experience from videoshooting in the last two days. :)

Our directors and crew are so awesome! They give great direction and taught us so many things. Can't wait to see the promo! I bet it's gonna be great!

Of course, I had to reward myself after the shoot, so hot pot for me! wahahahaha!! :D

Brief Introduction :)

October 10, 2011, 1:54 pm by 李汶蔚

大家好! 我是#10 Jamie Lee, 是一位學生。 現在在UBC上課, 主修化學。我喜歡跳舞與攝影, 還喜歡旅遊。 這一次能夠入選華姐, 我很高興! 


今天已經與其他9位佳麗相處了差不多兩個星期的時間;她們都很漂亮和talented, 能夠與她們一起在這個旅程裡共同進步與成長,我覺得自己很幸運! :) 今日也剛剛好第一個weekend 是不用上training, 所以看不到她們我心裡怪怪的。。因為這些日子基本上是天天見面, 見不了我真想她們, 還有Kelly媽!!這個Thanksgiving, 我自己一個人過。 不過前一天去了Bellevue 吃了牛扒, 超好吃!!!你們各位的Thanksgiving是怎麼過的?


我很感恩爸爸媽媽和哥哥, 因為他們是我的精神支柱. 在這個感恩節我希望大家都能保持健康, 天天開心! :)