
November 14, 2011, 2:18 pm by 陳偉琪

很多人問我,你這一次參加華姐,學到了甚麼?除了很明顯的答案,比如說我學了化妝,代人接物,禮儀;我覺得最大的得著是學了甚麼是真正的 自己跟自己比較,真的是說時容易,做時難。在這比賽裡最容易,而可以理解的情形就是大家跟其他參賽者比較服裝,化妝,而忘了整個比賽的意義,就是挑戰自己的極限,控制自己能控制的 (努力練習),然後讓老天爺決定其他的一切。


Canadian Cancer Society Press Conference

其待著 Show day 的來臨!


November 10, 2011, 12:26 pm by 陳偉琪

昨天是我們佳麗們拭目以待的記者會,我們的航班真正的啓航了! 一大清早,眾佳麗就要弄頭髮,化妝。到了酒樓,大家就開始緊張了。我的性格是十分開朗和樂觀的,所以我就嘗試用我的活力去感染我身邊的人,弄得大家都樂而忘「緊」。



MC 跟我

Kelly 媽媽跟我

Natalie 跟我


這一次華姐也是,一定要臨危不亂,很有自信的表達自己,才可以做到美貌與智慧並存。希望我可以在 show day 那天把以前在比賽和會議裡所吸取的人生經驗,用不同的方式去展示給觀眾看。


November 6, 2011, 9:41 pm by 陳偉琪





November 5, 2011, 2:06 am by 陳偉琪

我最喜歡的懷舊電影之一是 An Affair to Remember。我很喜歡舊的電影是因為我好欣賞那一種古典美,而演員們的對白,每一舉一動,全都很優雅。在這一部電影裡,故事是定於一個游輪上, 而目的地是在意大利。男女主角就在游輪展開了一段純潔,浪漫的愛情。可是,冥冥中,他們發現大家都有未婚夫或妻。他們約定離開游輪以後六個月,在美國的 Empire State Building 等對方,不見不散,但故事風回路轉,讓我看到感動淚流。希望大家也會利用空閒的時間去欣賞這部感人肺腑的傑作啦!



November 5, 2011, 12:10 am by 陳偉琪



November 4, 2011, 11:19 pm by 陳偉琪


 好高貴的 Pose!



November 4, 2011, 10:48 pm by 陳偉琪

藝術對於我來講是一個無可代替的靜心藥丸。當我覺得徬徨,緊張,我就最喜歡去欣賞美麗的作品,盡量感受到畫家的原意。我相信每個人都會被作品感染到, 可是每人分析的方法都不一樣,而藝術的意義就在於這裡。今天,請讓我跟大家分享我最喜歡的作品之一。

This is one of my favourite art pieces. It relates to me on a personal level and it has proven true in many experiences. It may mean different things to different people through various interpretations, but here’s my perspective of it.

The melting or distorted clocks all represent history and the past. The distortion symbolizes the haunting of the past, whatever it may be, to individuals. The eerie and deserted environment provides a distant, isolated sentiment to these memories. Even in the distant past, they still find a way to creep into your memory. The vast horizon represents the uncertain future that might be shaped by these memories. Moreover, I always feel that time stops when one reminisces the past. In a way this sense of detachment from time and space is emulating that exact sentiment. 
The present does in some ways revolve around the past. And no matter how “far” you are from the past, there are no limits of memory creeping and lurking in your thoughts. This subconscious experience is one that I have experienced many times. 


November 4, 2011, 6:50 pm by 陳偉琪

我對 Gastown 這個地方情有獨鍾,剛剛知道自己進了十強後,我立刻跟知己在分享。我想帶我知己去的地方就是位於的一條骯髒後巷 (Blood Alley) 的高級餐館。據說,很久以前在這條昏暗的後巷裡,很多工人都在那裡拿工支,而很多賊子因為知道這個傳統,就在那裡殺人和打劫。後來,就是因為這樣的悲劇,就改了名字叫 Blood Alley了。這家餐館最有特色的地方不單是它奇特的地點,還有大家平常不會嘗到的歐洲 Cuisine。最有名的當然是菜單裏的自由配搭啦,其中包括芝士盤, 還有配菜(魚子酱, 橄欖等) 。那裡的侍應還會為你精心的配答葡萄酒和你選擇的盤子。

我的好友跟我一樣,一但能品嚐到讓人心醉神迷的食物,大家都感覺到,好像喚醒了五官一樣,能更容易的察覺到身邊環境的變化, 真的是人生樂事!

初告訴好友我進了華姐的時候,他都很驚訝。他知道我立志當律師,而華姐聽起來好像都跟我的夢想沒有關連。可是,過了幾翻解釋,他就明白到我根本就沒有放棄夢想,而是從不同的挑戰中吸取更多人生經驗,還學會怎樣更有效的表達自己,真的是難逢可貴的旅程。 我們不單慶祝我快展開這個旅途,我們還對比了意大利跟中國的文化,還有不同「美」的定義,談得樂極忘反。又是一次難忘的 Therapy Session 了!


November 4, 2011, 6:29 pm by 陳偉琪

這班 Uncle Auntie 是我的忠實擁躉。從小到大,他們對我就好像對自己女兒一樣的關懷十足。比賽前能跟他們見面,真的提醒自己要努力發憤,去報答他們多年來的支持。



November 4, 2011, 5:51 pm by 陳偉琪


剛剛完了 Stage Training, 我就趕去會見好友。他介紹給我不同的聚會地方,真的是各有特色。我們先去了一家比較高級的地方,然後去了一家很有文化的餐館。當天,有幾位客人還帶了樂器,彈奏輕鬆的 Irish 樂曲, 大快人心。



November 2, 2011, 8:53 pm by 陳偉琪

又是拍 promo的時間了!今天我真的要謝謝我哥哥幫我搬豎琴到拍 promo的地方。



導演在傍晚的時候也在幫我修改我的 Storyboard, 真可算是勞苦功高! 我在參與華姐的過程才真正的體會到為什麼電視上常常聽到演員們說「多謝台前幕後工作人員」原來拍一個可能十秒鐘的鏡頭也要花幾個小時,真的不簡單!

這兩個漂亮的妹妹就是幫我拍 Promo 的小演員了,活潑可愛!

拍 Promo 那一天一班工作人員也要幫我做「臨記」, 真的不知道怎麼樣報答他們!

其中有我的保姆,她在裏擔任我的媽媽,就好像真實情況一樣, 她就像我第二個媽媽一樣照顧我。

真媽媽跟假媽媽一起! 我覺得很幸福啊!


Second day of shooting

October 16, 2011, 11:51 am by 陳偉琪

The second day for promotions shooting is much more relaxed. Everyone is in their casual clothes that are chosen based on bright colors by our image consultant, Betty. We all learnt individual parts together with the music, and my group was with contestant #2, Jennifer. 

Jennifer and I absolutely enjoying ourselves.

This picture reminds me of Jack Johnson's song, "Pictures of people taking pictures".Betty and Kelly were poking fun at us for being narcissistic ("自戀狂"), as they put it. I understand the reasoning behind this phenomenon as a positive thing. Not only are we making precious memories, and wanting to capture that moment through photographs, we are fascinated by the process and thoroughly enjoying it. This atmosphere for learning and this open-minded attitude is exactly why I wanted to participate in this pageant in the first place. 

This is another gem that I found in the collection of pictures I took during the promotional shooting. This is who I am. Fun, funky, cheerful, optimistic. I hope to present this side of me to the audience on show day! 



October 15, 2011, 7:26 pm by 陳偉琪

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It was a long weekend for all my beautiful ladies (all other contestants), and we all made use of this time to spend time with our family and friends who we have been too busy to hangout with! On this fine Thanksgiving day, I studied in the library with a friend for around eight hours, for my Law and Political Theory class at UBC. Afterwards, we both went and had a great memorable dinner with our friends! 

It has been extremely exhausting in the first couple weeks of training while we are still adapting to the busy schedule, and prioritizing school, work, family, friends, with our limited amount of time. For me, I had to sacrifice my presidency in UBC Phi delta phi International Legal Fraternity (Undergraduate chapter), which is very dear to me, since I am the founder, and it is my legacy at the school.

This is part of my executive council having a few drinks after a meeting

This is a funny shot, a coincidence while I was fixing my hair. However, it showcases the lively spirit of our fraternity 

I miss you all dearly, Phi delta phi council, and cannot express the strong connection I feel towards each of you. 

Moreover, other executive positions in various students associations (UBC Pre-law Society and UBC Political Science Student's Association).  I am grateful to have understanding and supportive friends and family throughout this process. Thank you girls for this amazing experience. We're all in this together with a positive attitude, and I've learnt so much in so little time already! You all mean so much to me. 

Confidence and beauty: First Video Shooting

October 15, 2011, 7:04 pm by 陳偉琪

It is amazing how much effort and time is put into productions that probably last only a few seconds on television. I am grateful for the dedication and expertise that the productions crew, make-up crew, hair crew, and our instructors put into the preparations for this project. 

My hairdresser and I

My make-up artist and I

When I first entered in the studio, I was a little intimidated by the setting. I saw the other contestants posing while I was waiting, and it made me nervous and anxious. However, when I was in the spotlight, I wasn't nervous anymore. Instead, I was ecstatic! I expressed myself with my body. I let everything go, and focused on the confidence that my hairdressers, make-up artist, and the productions crew was gave me. Not only was I confident, I was confident of their professionalism, and their dedication. This is beauty: confidence, determination, elegance, and conviction. 

Other contestants on the set


My beautiful dress and I 

VanCity spirit

October 9, 2011, 10:52 am by 陳偉琪

After a long day of training until 7:30 pm at night, I went to BC Place to meet up with a few friends for the Whitecaps game. VanCity won 3-0 against Real Salt Lake, with my favourite player, Khalfan, scoring the final goal! Despite how tired I am, I am still glad that I went and witnessed this glorious victory!

To celebrate the victory, we went out and had a couple drinks. The city is bustling with people who just got out of the Canucks game and Whitecaps game. I love when I see that fun and high-spirited crowd. That's why I enjoy going to games. 

After a day of stage and dance training, it a de-stress session with a group of supportive friends is much needed! 

Makeup model

October 3, 2011, 5:51 pm by 陳偉琪

我被選當化妝 Model了!真幸運!


September 30, 2011, 12:00 am by 陳偉琪
